With our simple six-step process, you’ll have your formal qualification in a short period of time.
Speak to one of our friendly team members and provide to get started on your consultation.
In this step, we ensure you are eligible for an RPL by asking you the necessary questions and giving you login details for our online platform. Collect and organise your experience for your assessor with a combination of workplace documents, interviews, videos and reports from previous employers.
The assessor will then make contact to discuss your application, explain the process and let you know what further evidence is required including workplace documents, references and videos
In this step you complete an online knowledge test, provide any additional video evidence and complete an interview with the Assessor on the technical aspects of your qualification
After an assessment, your assessor may decide you need further training to address the gaps in your knowledge or practical skills and will advise you how to proceed.
The assessor creates a report with a recommendation based on the evidence you have provided, outcome of written test and interviews. This is submitted to the Compliance department for approval.
You are issued your nationally recognised qualification and provided with the necessary documents.