Summary of the Gimbal Privacy Policy

This privacy policy covers the particular personal information that is collected by us and for what purpose it is collected, and how your information is retained. The policy also describes how personal information is used or disclosed. The rights and choices you have in regards to accessing and changing your personal information held by our organisation. The process for making a complaint about the way your personal information is handled and what to do if you’re not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint. Contact details are also provided should you want to receive a copy of this policy or make a complaint.

Note: gimbal group is a parent company to the registered training organisations, Australian Construction Training Services, Engineering Training Australia and Institute of Business Excellence.

Collection of Personal Information

Your personal information is collected solely for the purpose of us operating as a registered training organisation under the required standards regulated by the Government authority, Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). One of the standards applies to data provision, which stipulates the type of data to be collected, post course survey collection and archiving requirements. Some of the information collected is considered sensitive information such as your racial or ethnic origin and if you have a disability, impairment or long-term condition.

The types of information collected include personal contact details such as full name and address. Emergency contact details, employer details, reasons for study, previous schooling or training and the language you speak if English is not your first language.

We also collect certified copies of your identification, such as your licence, student card, birth certificate, passport and visa or citizenship documents where it’s applicable.

Your personal information is stored in hard copy and electronic format. Hard copies are stored in a file, while electronic copies are stored on a database. The security arrangements for hard copy file storage include keeping files in a locked room and a monitored security system for after hours. Electronic copies are stored on a secured network with real time monitoring and state of the art technology to protect the database system from cyber-attacks.

Duration for Holding Personal Information

Under the requirements of Commonwealth and State Governments, we are required to archive your personal information. Depending on the type of training you have enrolled in, this will determine the duration we must hold your personal information. For Apprentices and other funded training the duration ranges from 5 to 7 years, this includes copies of your assessments. Your personal details such as identification and the qualification or training you have completed must be archived for 30 years. After these durations have passed only your basic personal information will be retained, such as full name, contact details and the qualification or training you have completed. This is required should you wish to have a certificate re-issued.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Within our organisation, only appointed administrators and contractors (related specifically to your training course) will have access to your personal information. They are all trained in the proper procedures for dealing with your personal information.

  • As a training organisation we are required to disclose your personal information to Commonwealth and State Governments and industry-funding bodies for the following purposes:
  • Ensuring your eligibility for particular training programs where funding is made available to you and/or us.
  • For the collection of statistical information about students and trainees.
  • When our organisation undergoes audit by Government and funding-body regulators.


Your personal information is not disclosed to other people without your consent. Your personal information is not sold or provided to any other persons or entities outside the Trades Recognition group of training organisations. From time to time we may access your personal information to inform you about services or opportunities available from the gimbal group of training organisations. In this event you will be given the option to opt out of such marketing.

Rights and Choices

You have the right to request access to your personal information and to request its correction. This can be done by contacting the gimbal group training organisation you have enrolled with. You will be asked by an administrator to verify your identity. This can be done either face to face where your identification document can be sighted or in a telephone contact when you will be asked to clarify records we have on file such as your date of birth and address.

If another person authorised by you is requesting access to your file or a change to your personal details we will require written authorisation from you that is verifiable before access is granted.

If you require access to your hard copy file containing evidence of your training and assessment, a time will need to be arranged with an administrator, who will retrieve your file from our archive.

How to Make Complaints

If you feel that we have mishandled your personal information or you are unsatisfied with the way we have granted you access to your personal information to have it corrected, you may make a complaint. You can make a complaint by contacting the General Manager on 1300 446 225 or

Complaints need to be made in writing and will be answered within a reasonable timeframe (usually within 14 days). If you believe your complaint has not been handled to your satisfaction, you can take your complaint to an external dispute resolution or the Information Commissioner.

Further information about external dispute resolution schemes recognised by the Information Commissioner is available in OAIC, Guidelines for recognising External Dispute Resolution Schemes, OAIC website.

Contact Details

General Manager gimbal group of training organisations:

Australian Construction Training Services Pty Ltd
Engineering Training Australia Pty Ltd
Institute of Business Excellence Pty Ltd
Phone 1300 446 225