RPL in Construction and Engineering: A Pathway to Recognising Your Skills


Have you been looking for a way to qualify your skills in the field of engineering or construction? An excellent way to get ahead in either of those careers is by applying for a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). 

Through RPL, your hands-on experience and on-the-job learning can be formally acknowledged. This could open up new opportunities for career advancement within these ever-growing fields. Whether you have informal experience or just starting on your career path, RPL offers a pathway to ensure that your skills, knowledge, and dedication are recognised and rewarded.

In this article, Gimbal Training will cover what it means to acquire your RPL, how it will impact your career and how to use it to your advantage. Gimbal Training’s registered training organisations (RTO) have spent the last 17 years delivering quality training and skill assessment services. Let’s crack on to learn more about how RPL’s can boost your career options.

What is RPL?

Understanding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is key to unlocking potential career growth in various industries, including construction and engineering. 

RPL is a systematic process that evaluates and credits an individual’s skills, knowledge, and experience gained outside traditional learning environments. 

Whether acquired through work experience, volunteer engagements, self-study, or other informal learning paths, these competencies are assessed against specific industry standards or qualifications. 

By recognising and formally validating these prior learnings, RPL offers professionals a way to demonstrate their competencies. This often accelerates their progress toward certifications, advanced training, or career opportunities. It’s an essential tool in today’s dynamic workforce, bridging the gap between experiential learning and formal recognition.

How Does RPL in Construction & Engineering Work?

RPL in construction and engineering is a vital process that aligns hands-on experience with formal qualifications. Even though construction and engineering are very different fields, the process of RPL is quite similar. By assessing and recognising an individual’s prior learning, RPL provides a pathway to fill in the gaps in your knowledge. Here’s a detailed look at how RPL functions within these sectors. 

Identifying Skills and Competencies

In construction and engineering, RPL begins by identifying the specific skills, knowledge, and competencies an individual has gained through practical experience. These include technical skills and theoretical knowledge  gained on job sites, through self-study, or even via any informal or semi-professional training. 

A consultation with a qualified RPL assessor will help pinpoint these attributes and identify gaps in your learning – which is where we come in! 

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

Next, applicants must compile evidence to support their claimed competencies. In construction and engineering, this documentation often revolves around proving your technical skills, experience with adhering to safety protocols, and understanding industry standards. 

Proof might include evidence of completed projects, references from supervisors or colleagues, certificates from informal training, or work samples. 

Submitting an Application to an RTO

Once evidence of your experience is gathered, the individual must submit an RPL application to a Registered Training Organization (RTO) such as Gimbal Engineering (RTO ID 31820) or Gimbal Construction (RTO ID 32201). 

The application typically includes a detailed account of the competencies claimed, supported by the gathered evidence.

Gap Training

Gap training addresses the specific areas where an individual falls short of the required skills and competencies identified during the RPL assessment. It is especially valuable in fields like construction and engineering, where industry standards are constantly evolving. 

By participating in gap training, candidates can acquire the missing skills and knowledge needed to meet the qualifications for full RPL recognition.  

The Assessment Process

The RPL assessment in construction and engineering involves a rigorous evaluation of the applicant’s skills and knowledge against predefined criteria or qualifications. It often includes:

Interviews with Assessors: 

Here, applicants discuss their experience and answer technical questions related to construction or engineering practices.

Practical Assessments: 

Applicants may need to demonstrate specific skills, such as operating machinery, reading technical drawings, or managing a project.

Portfolio Review:

Assessors review the submitted documentation to confirm its alignment with the claimed competencies.

Upon successful completion of the assessment, the applicant receives formal recognition for their prior learning. This recognition may equate to certain credits toward a qualification or direct awarding of certification. 

In the construction and engineering fields, RPL often leads to enhanced job prospects, eligibility for specialised roles, or the ability to undertake further formal education.

Expand your career options now and take a look at the course Gimbal Training has on offer for engineering and construction specialists.

What RPL courses does Gimbal Training offer? 

Gimbal Training’s RTO’s have the following qualifications available in the field of engineering and construction: 



To learn more about our courses, feel free to explore the course pages today. If you need more information, get in touch with one of our specialists today.