3 Tips on How to Get an Apprenticeship in Australia


Have you been thinking about pursuing an apprenticeship recently?

Apprenticeships play a crucial role in the development of skilled tradespeople in Australia. This hands-on approach to learning is not just beneficial but essential for anyone looking to build a career in various trades. Unlike more academic paths, apprenticeships focus on work readiness from day one. This approach develops not just trade-specific skills but also work ethics, communication, and problem-solving abilities.

While there might be a few things you’re not sure about and you might be asking yourself “How do I get an apprenticeship in Australia?”, we’re here to help!

At Gimbal Group, we are committed to creating an environment where students can learn and be inspired by our in-house mentors and assessors. Thanks to our well-planned module releases and quizzes, paired with timely assessments, anyone can learn with us as long as they have the right mindset. But what can help you with this decision, and how can you make the most out of your apprenticeship?

Here’s why gaining practical experience through apprenticeships is so important for tradies in Australia.

Bridging the Skills Gap 

Apprenticeships provide the essential bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. For trades like carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work, it’s not enough to just understand the theory. The real learning happens on the job, where apprentices can apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

Meeting Industry Standards 

The trade industry in Australia is governed by stringent standards and regulations. Apprenticeships ensure that tradies are not only skilled but also well-versed in these standards, making them more competent and compliant professionals.

Addressing the Labour Shortage 

Australia, like many countries, faces a shortage of skilled tradespeople. Apprenticeships are vital in creating a steady pipeline of qualified workers to meet this demand, thereby supporting both the economy and the infrastructure development of the country.

Enhancing Safety Skills

Trades often involve working with potentially dangerous tools and environments. Apprenticeships provide the supervised, hands-on experience necessary for learning how to navigate these risks safely.

Economic Benefits 

For the apprentice, these programs offer the opportunity to earn while they learn, reducing the financial strain often associated with education. For the economy, having skilled tradespeople contributes to productivity and growth.

In this article, we will be covering a few important tips on how to excel at your apprenticeship and the possible benefits of performing your best during these periods.

  1. Define Your Goals & Expectations

Defining your goals and expectations is a fundamental step in maximising the benefits of an apprenticeship. This clarity of purpose not only guides your learning journey but also ensures that your apprenticeship is aligned with your long-term career aspirations. 

Having well-defined goals gives you a clear direction and focus during your apprenticeship. It helps you understand what you want to achieve and guides your efforts towards specific outcomes. This focus is crucial in a learning environment where there are numerous skills and competencies to be acquired. In addition to that, clear goals can significantly boost your motivation. Knowing what you’re working towards makes you more likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about your tasks. This intrinsic motivation is key to excelling in hands-on learning environments.

  1. Research Your Chosen Industry

Researching your chosen industry is an indispensable part of preparing for and thriving in an apprenticeship, especially in trades. 

Understanding the latest trends, technologies, and practices in your chosen industry is vital. This knowledge not only prepares you for the current state of the trade but also for future developments. Being informed about industry trends makes you a more valuable apprentice, as you bring current and relevant knowledge to the table.

Research helps you identify the specific skills and knowledge that are most in demand in your industry. This insight allows you to focus your learning during the apprenticeship on acquiring these skills, making you more competitive and effective in your trade. Understanding the industry also gives you a realistic view of the work environment, the challenges you might face, and the opportunities available. This realistic perspective is crucial for setting achievable goals and expectations for your apprenticeship.

  1. Persistency in Learning and Practice

Persistency is crucial in an apprenticeship, especially in the trades. It means being consistent in your efforts to learn and improve, even when faced with challenges or complex tasks. This steadfast approach allows you to develop a deep understanding of your trade and hone your skills effectively.

Being persistent also means actively seeking feedback and being willing to learn from mistakes. In the hands-on world of trades, mistakes are often the best teachers. Embracing them as learning opportunities rather than setbacks is key to growth and mastery.

Pairing it with a positive attitude is equally important. It’s less about being cheerful all the time (toxic positivity) and more about maintaining a constructive outlook towards your apprenticeship. This involves being open to new experiences, adaptable to change, and resilient in the face of difficulties.

It also fosters a better learning environment. It encourages collaboration and communication with mentors and peers, which are vital for learning complex trade skills. Moreover, showing enthusiasm and a willingness to engage can lead to more opportunities for learning and advancement.

We hope these tips give you a better understanding of how to get an apprenticeship. To keep it short and sweet, keep persevering and always be open to learning at every point in time. 
To learn more about how to get the right training during your apprenticeship, feel free to get in touch with the team at Gimbal Training now.